The largest and most prestigious professional organization for management accountants in the world is the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants® (CIMA®), which was founded in 1919. To meet the requirements of public and management accountants globally, it established the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (the Association) in 2017 in partnership with the American Institute of CPAs®.
We offer services for continuing professional development through this joint venture, support academic research, foster thought leadership, keep an eye on professional standards, uphold a code of ethics for participants, and collaborate with external tuition providers and assessment services to offer the best environment for learning and testing.
In order to ensure that CIMA continues to be the employer of choice when hiring financially skilled company leaders, the Association and CIMA also collaborate closely with employers, support cutting-edge research, and regularly update their professional qualifications and experience requirements.
CIMA helps individuals and businesses to succeed by harnessing the full power of management accounting – not just accounting for the balance sheet, but accounting for business. Together with the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), we established the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation in 2012 to provide members with a new level of resources and recognition.
Situated at the heart of the central business district in Kumasi, Ghana, the institute, structured as a professional development center is equipped with the best of human and professional resources to train individuals across various qualifications in a blended module of learning. As an accredited and registered tuition provider, JIIL provides the competent resources, facilities, services and provisions required for one to become a Charted Management Accountant. Check out our affordable fee schedule CIMA_FEES
The diagram below shows the different levels of the CIMA Qualification Framework for the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants® (CIMA®). This includes the Certificate in Business Accounting, the Professional Qualification, Assessment of Practical Experience; and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the form of lifelong learning.
The strategic level is concerned with the long term and developing the business’s strategy.
You will play the part of a Senior Finance manager in the strategic case study exam.

The management level is concerned with monitoring and carrying out the strategy throughout the medium term. Your job in the management case study study will be a Finance Manager.

The focus of Operational level is on the short term. In the Operational Case study exam, your role will be that of a Finance Officer.

The focus of Operational level is on the short term. In the Operational Case study exam, your role will be that of a Finance Officer.